[Salon] The Albanese Government is isolating Australia and not serving the national interest by appeasing Israel

By Ali Kazak

Sep 21, 2024

UN screenshot of the countries’ voting. Image: Supplied


The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution submitted by the State of Palestine demanding that “Israel brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, … no later than 12 months from the adoption of the present resolution” and that “Israel comply without delay with all its legal obligations under international law, including as stipulated by the International Court of Justice”. The resolution’s provisions are consistent with the UN Charter, international law, and the decision of the International Court of Justice.

total of 124 countries voted in favour of the resolution, 14 voted against, and 43 abstained. Australia abstained, although most neighbouring and Western countries, such as New Zealand, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, East Timor, Japan, China, Malaysia, France, Ireland, Spain, Greece, Norway, Belgium, and others, supported the resolution.

The decision by Anthony Albanese and his government to continue with their policy of appeasing Israel’s occupation, violations, crimes against humanity, and apartheid not only places them on the wrong side of history, but also isolates Australia, harms its international reputation, and does not serve its national interest.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong offered dodgy excuses, in her interview with ABC Radio, for not joining the majority of nations in supporting the resolution.

It was reported in the media that the US had requested countries to either vote against the resolution or abstain. Albanese submissively obeyed.

The International Court of Justice’s ruling on 19 July leaves no room for doubt that Israel’s 57-year occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal and that Israel is operating a system of apartheid. It followed a request in December 2022 from the United Nations General Assembly on the legal status of the occupation, Israel’s policy of establishing settlements, the confiscation of land and exploitation of the natural resources of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Israel’s discriminatory policies, laws, and practices against Palestinians violate the prohibitions against racial discrimination and apartheid.

In 1947, Australia, under the leadership of the Labor Party, played a major role in the United Nations decision to partition Palestine, against the wishes of the majority of the Palestinian people. This opened the way for European Zionists to carry out dozens of massacres, ethnically cleanse more than 70% of its people, and colonise Palestine, resulting in the Nakba (catastrophe) of the Palestinian people and the denial of their human and national rights, including the right of refugees to return and self-determination. Therefore, Australia has a historic and moral duty towards the Palestinian people.

It is time for Australia to review its Middle East policy, recognise the state of Palestine, shoulder its obligations to international law, the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions and Genocide Convention, and hold Israel accountable. Israel must not continue to be treated above international law with its colonialism, apartheid, and gross violations of the UN Charter and international law.

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Ali Kazak is a former Palestinian ambassador and head of delegation to Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific region. He is an expert in Australian-Arab relations and affairs, and author of “Australia and the Arabs”. (In Arabic).



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